- Sugar
Rebecca Raymond, Carefree Organics creator, wrote that salt and sugar draw out your moisture in surrounding materials, and thereby have one dehydrating effect on the skin. Using sugar can practically damage the face skin since it is used for scrubbing legs as well as other parts of your body, but not your face. Even though a lot of face lotions have sugar, is not the best to use it on the face.
- Baking Soda
A lot of people would use the baking soda as one scrubber for your skin, but this isn’t a good idea. YouTuber and Professional aesthetician Veronica Gorgeois claimed that to never, ever apply baking soda on the face. She figured that the skin has one naturally acidic pH that assists to keep your protective lipid layer intact. As you introduce one highly alkaline substance such as baking soda, it may damage that layer. The rough texture plus consistency that are its main properties would change the pH balance that will result in damaging your skin and preventing it from keeping the moisture.
- Rubbing Alcohol
This is the same like hydrogen peroxide, it is used for disinfection of the wounds but you can’t use it on your face. It will make an inflammation and infection. You need to get this on your mind and never apply on your face in order to get calming effect