Trying to change your entire routine at the drop of the hat may only lead to more stress. However, setting realistic goals will help you achieve all the things that need to be done in increments. Work on one habit that you want to change, and once you have that down, you’ll be ready to move onto the next one.
Founder and president of Supreme Organization, Jodie Watson states, “Your routine should be the bare-bones basics that you need to complete to keep life running smoothly before you rush out the door. If you have other must-do tasks each day, think about how you can simplify or spread them out differently on your schedule.”
Once you have a habit established, you won’t have to work on keeping it, which will give you the power to start working on another one. Organized people keep realistic goals for themselves so that they can stay on top of things without worrying.
Putting together a meal can take a lot of time out of your morning. It’s easier to have food prepared the night before. Organized people may even prepare a large amount of food for the week and keep it stored in the fridge or the freezer so all they need to do is take it out or heat it up. You’ll be more organized and ready to go when all you need to do is grab a prepared meal out of your fridge and get going.
If you have a habit of putting everything out on your bed while you’re getting ready in the morning, you may know the distinct feeling of coming home to a bed that’s not ready for you to just flop down in. Decluttering areas of your house before you leave ensures that once you come home, you’ll be ready to relax or get some real work done.
Organized people make sure they don’t have to spend any extra time getting their workspace ready than they have to because according to personal organizer Rebekah Saltzman, “All this accumulation does is holds us back from getting the things in life that we need and want. We simply don’t have the mental and physical space for the things we want and need.”
Instead of putting off a daunting task, organized people take the plunge and complete the task that they don’t want to do first. Then, they won’t be focusing on how much they don’t want to do it later on in the day. This makes for a more productive work day, without any added stress anticipating when they have to work on a dreaded or hard project.
A lot of us are unorganized, partly because we’re not sure which habits work best for us. Highly organized people practice good habits that make their days easier and more time efficient. If you’re struggling to stay organized and make your day easier for yourself, you may find any or all of these habits beneficial to you. Who knows? In time, you may also become a highly organized person!