Make this awesome world clock for Earth Day or any day! It’s made from a CD or DVD. The graphic is drawn by Roy (my husband) and free to download on our site. This is a special edition of my other CD Clock tutorial. It also has a variety of free clock faces.

Printed clock face (Free download on site link at bottom.)
Small clock mechanism. I used this one.
Spray adhesive or glue to glue clock face onto CD.
Clear Spray (fixing agent so the ink won’t run if you use Mod Podge”
Mod Podge for sealing (optional)
Spray paint (optional for back of disc)
I have a link to the one I used on my site post along with instructions on buying them to make sure you get the correct size.
Printed clock face (Free download on site link at bottom.)
Small clock mechanism. I used this one.
Spray adhesive or glue to glue clock face onto CD.
Clear Spray (fixing agent so the ink won’t run if you use Mod Podge”
Mod Podge for sealing (optional)
Spray paint (optional for back of disc)
I have a link to the one I used on my site post along with instructions on buying them to make sure you get the correct size.

Cut out the earth and glue it onto your disk. NOTE: Make sure your printer is set to “print actual size” or it might be a tiny bit small. More details are on my site if you need more clarification. If using Mod Podge its a good idea to spray a fixing agent over the graphic so it won’t smear.

Mark the center where your clock will go through.

The middle mechanism will stick through a ways due to how think the CD is.

Add the hands per the instructions.

We painted the back of our CD. Many clock mechanisms come with a hanging piece to hang on the wall. Or you can place it on small easel as we did. You can also make a small easel using our patterns & ideas.