Lasagna bulb pots are fantastically easy to do and provide weeks and weeks of fabulous spring flowers.
Start with a deep pot and make sure that it will withstand the winter weather. A terracotta pot should be raised up on feet to protect it.
Ensure your pot has drainage holes and that they are not blocked. I suggest placing broken plant pot or polystyrene over the hole.
Add a thick layer of compost (approximately 4 inches). Then lay out your tulips, making sure they are the correct way up (pointy end up).
Add another layer of compost (approximately 3 inches) and then lay out your daffodils how you would like them. Again, make sure they are the correct way up.
Add another layer of compost and then lay out your crocus bulbs.
Add another layer of compost to complete the pot. You can cover the top of the pot with a thin layer of grit and/or plant it up with some fall/winter plants for immediate interest.
Well done, you have finished your pot. Keep it outside but not in too exposed a location and in spring you should be rewarded with a fabulous long lasting display of spring flowers.
If you need any further guidance visit my blog post at