I found this fun old desk that was perfect for a new sewing desk but it needed a little updating!
A great yard sale find! The missing handle was even tucked inside a drawer and the bones are fantastic. I decided to brighten it up with a quick spray paint finish! Removed the hardware and gave the old girl a good scrubbing then we were ready to go!

Painters tape around the inside of the drawer keeps the spray paint more on the drawer front instead of inside! Don’t try to spray the paint on thick, lots of very thin coats is the way to go.

Once the painting was done I decided to give it a little more character! I found the perfect purple scrapbook paper. Since this sewing desk was meant to go into my craft shed, the colors would match perfectly!

I cut the paper to size, then mod podged it on. Once it was dry, I used a spray polyurethane to seal it.

One of the drawers had this carved flower deco on it. I added some paint detail rather than paper to cover it.

I spray painted the hardware a lighter purple and then put them back on the drawers!

So much lighter and fresher! The perfect fun girly sewing desk for my fun girly craft shed! I used four cans of good white spray paint and a can of polyurethane spray plus two 12×12 sheets of scrapbook paper and a partial can of purple spraypaint.
It has been 8 months since this desk was refinished and it is holding up beautifully
It has been 8 months since this desk was refinished and it is holding up beautifully