Imagine this pretty (and functional) wall greeting you every time you walked into your home!

The good news is we got our kitchen island back and it didn’t cost a lot of money or time! First, here’s a look at our boring, nekked, non-functional hallway in it’s humble beginnings.
We were able to create this beautiful faux board and batten look with low budget MDF board.

The www. is full of tutorials for faux board and batten, so I’m sure by now most of you realize that the cheater way to get this wall effect is to just skip the “board” part of the equation (the wall panels) and just paint your walls in between the “batten” part. It’s a less expensive option and it still looks incredibly purrrty at the end!

To say our new drop zone/DIY board and batten coat rack has been life changing would be an understatement. This little hallway wall was the best decision I’ve ever made. Like EVER. What’s your number pet peeve when it comes to your family and home related habits. My biggest complaint? Our drop zone, i.e. the landing spot for all of the miscellaneous crap we’re carrying when we come into our home. Jackets, junk mail, car keys, cell phones, lunch totes, whatever random thing my toddler insisted on tagging along with us on that day….you know where it use to all go? To our kitchen island.

All the details on measurements, materials used, and sources can be found over on the blog. You can also view how I decorated the opposite side of the wall to help with our schedules and mail. I’m a true believer in utilizing every nook and cranny in your home and this is one transformation that makes me smile every time I walk past this hallway!