Spruce up your bathroom with these cute and trendy mason jars! A quick and easy afternoon project that will have our guests ooh-ing and ahh-ing over your bathroom!
I found these adorable mason jar like ceramic containers and knew immediately that I wanted to make a toothbrush holder out of them!
Isn’t it so cute? …and practical? My kids keep their toothbrushes in a drawer – usually I don’t like exposed toothbrushes but…exceptions can always be made for cuteness! 🙂
Because I’m sure you want one now too, I’ll show you how to make them yourself – you’re welcome! 😉
Start by finding the cutest little DIY helpers out there and have them paint a wooden placard.
Next you will need these Copper Tube Straps – I bought mine at Home Depot in the Plumbing section

We then installed plastic wall anchors and screws which I bought at Walmart.