I am really inspired by all the posts making the cute pot in a pot with succulents. Succulents can be expensive, depending which ones catch your eye and just couldn’t see myself spending the dollars on something that just might not survive my gardening expertise! So I decided to use faux succulents (which may succumb to my dog, but I’m taking the chance I can resurrect anything she gets her paws on).

Here’s the gigantic washing machine tub I decided to use. What’s interesting about the tub is it belonged to my Dad many moons ago. He used it as a water tank in the corral. I have it sitting next to an old ladder and the succulents will look perfect. What isn’t perfect is the size of this tub. In order to use less dirt I filled the tub with pieces of Styrofoam (and kicking myself for sending off to recycle some I had sitting around).

Now the tub is ready to fill.

I decided to use a broken pot. I was pretty sad when this pot first broke, but now I get to reuse it!

Starting out with this box of 16 pieces of succulents from Amazon.

I decided white marble would make the greens and purples pop.

After filling with dirt and making it level I started filling in with the marble.

I placed all of the assortment but two pieces. Then I had an extra Jade stem I picked up at Michaels. But, something wasn’t quite right. It was way too tall.

Using wire cutters I snipped the top off. Much better!

Really happy with how it turned out.