– Put the seed with the toothpicks in a glass of water. The toothpicks should be about 1 inch soaked in water.
– The glass should be kept in a warm place that is exposed to direct sunlight.
– The stem should have grown about 6 inches in a period from 2 to 6 weeks. You’ll be able to notice its roots. Then, you should cut it to 3 inches. Wait for it to grow for 6 inches again. You’ll be able to see new leaves.
– The seed should be planted in a larger pot. Make a small hole in a soil that’s rich in nutrients. Make sure the pot is 10 cm in diameter and that it has small drainage hole on the bottom. Make sure you leave half of the seed exposed above the soil.
– The pot should stay in a sunny area. It should be watered frequently. If you’ve noticed the leaves are brown or dry, it means that the tree doesn’t have enough water. Leave your tap opened and let the water run through the rich soil for several minutes. If you notice the leaves became droop or yellow, make a break of several days.
– The first fruits will probably appear after several years, but then, you’ll be able to enjoy your own cheaper and healthier avocado with an abundance of health benefits!