I just love pillows. My couch, my armchairs, my and my kids’ beds are covered in them. They make a home so comfortable, so relaxing!
I also love repurposing, and one material I love the most are thrifted wool sweaters. I felt them in my washing machine to get the most gorgeous, thick fabric imaginable! The fun thing is that even the ugliest sweater becomes quite pretty once it’s felted!
Save money by asking your friends and family for their old wool sweaters instead of buying your own!
Make sure you get 100% wool sweaters. You need to felt them to avoid fraying and to get the thick fabric I mentioned. Read how to felt wool sweaters in the washing machine here: https://www.cucicucicoo.com/2015/05/how-to-felt-wool-sweaters-in-the-washing-machine/

Cut out two squares per throw pillow, then use my free leaf/vine template to cut those designs out from the wool felt scraps in contrasting colors.
(Get my free leaf template from my full tutorial here: https://www.cucicucicoo.com/2015/06/how-to-sew-a-felted-wool-pillow-with-leaf-applique/ )
Sew the pieces on the squares. Here are four styles I sewed.

Sew a zipper to the side of both squares, then sew the squares together.

Put in the pillow insert, and decide where to put your gorgeous new pillow!
Get the full instructions for making these felted wool pillows here: https://www.cucicucicoo.com/2015/06/how-to-sew-a-felted-wool-pillow-with-leaf-applique/