Hey everyone! DIY Fridays are back! Every other Friday, the Hometalk clan gets together and tries our hand at a Hometalk inspired project. This round it was marbleizing terra cotta pots. 🙂

I’ve been in love with the idea of marbleizing for quite some time now, and I couldn’t believe how easy it was!

We started out with a plain ol’ mini terra cotta pot.

And then poured white acrylic paint in with a little water. It was 1 part water 4 parts white paint.

Then we drizzled in black paint. We did it in slow drops and then swirled it in with a coffee straw creating a cool marbly look.

Then all you do is just dip your pot in and roll. (Note: you will probably get some paint on your fingers, but that’s always the fun part of crafting, right? Also, it washed right off.)

Once you’re done getting your roll on, set it upside down for ten minutes.

Then flip it right side up! This helps the paint get more marbly looking on the pot. (Prosecco is not a required material in this project, but encouraged 😉 )
We let it dry overnight and then sprayed it with a clear matte finishing spray.
We let it dry overnight and then sprayed it with a clear matte finishing spray.

And voila! It seriously looks like marble. I’m so in love with it. I ran home potted it right away and set it on my bedroom shelf.
Be sure to share your marbling projects that you try too!! See you on Hometalk! 🙂
Be sure to share your marbling projects that you try too!! See you on Hometalk! 🙂