A lot of blood, sweat and tears went into this makeover. And paint too.. let’s not forget the paint .
You know those people who re-design rooms in a few days, weeks, or even a month?
Yeah. Totally not me.
Not you either? Lets be friends!
When it comes to decorating…. I am a snail… So yeah, this makeover took a while to finish! Just like my bedroom makeover – have you seen that?

I don’t have a before picture of the staircase fully carpeted but I do have a post carpet photo .

I did get a little carried away surfing wooden staircase ideas on Pinterest. I thought, with a little sanding and stain, I could go au Natural!
Turns out, bare wooden steps aren’t that great to walk up and down on. They’re cold ….super noisy (not kidding about this part, my tiny cat was made to sound like a beast) and probably not the most ideal, safety wise, when you have a five year old who likes to use them as the starting point for all major tantrums.
Its not a pretty sight.
– First the stairs nooks and holes were filled in using wood filler

And then once dry – everything was sanded

I then applied Zinsser primer and left to dry.
Finally I applied Valspar paint to the stair risers/

The last part was adding the carpet treads!!

FYI we also redecorated the whole landing and entrance just before the stairs! Here is a sneak peak picture but you can see loads more pictures of the stairs by heading over to my blog here
Or by clicking the link at the bottom of this post.

What do you think of this entrance and stairs makeover? Do you have carpet on your stairs too? Or did you opt for the bare wood style? Id love to hear.