My kiddos help with chores around the house. And folding their laundered clothes is no exception. I made these nifty folding tools to assist them in a folding method that allows for easier, more storage in their drawers. It was free to make and the kids actually enjoy using it – I would definitely consider that a Mom Win!!! Plus, it brings me so.much.stinkin.JOY to see my kids helping out, so I am confident Marie Kondo would approve!
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I started with a cardboard box, a roll of duct tape and a pair of scissors.

So, I decided to stop being lazy and go out to the workshop to get the proper tools. The box cutters worked amazingly well. Hmmm, possibly aptly named?!!?

My pieces were approx. 9×12. Just a general size. They don’t have to be perfect. But, you do need 9 pieces of similar size.

After aligning the pieces with a small gap between each one to allow for easy folding, I started duct taping my contraption together.

To give an idea of sizing, this shirt is a children’s size XL. To use, you place your shirt in the middle of the folder.

Starting with one side, you fold over the entire side of the cardboard piece.

And unfold the cardboard.

Continue the exact same on the other side.

Once the kiddos get the hang of it, it goes pretty fast.

Fold up the bottom.

The final step is to take the shirt and fold one more time in half. Put it in the dresser drawer folded side up.
*Mom Tip*
Place shirts with graphics on the Cardboard Masterpiece with the design facing down. This will allow the picture to show when folded and prevent your little cherub to destroy the entire dresser drawer by unfolding every single one of his shirts, looking for a certain one that he wears atleast twice a week even though he has 1,475,895,299 other shirts.
~~~~ This message brought to you by a mother that has literally been through it.
And you’re welcome.
So, what are you waiting for? Start KonMari’ing the crap out of your kids drawers!
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