The best {non-cakey} pumpkin spiced chocolate-chip cookies. Crisp exterior, chewy interior, and easy to make in one bowl with no mixers needed!
’m not sure if it has been discussed here on the blog, but it’s time we talk about my closet obsession with Taylor Swift. (I guess not so closet anymore.) Seriously, I love Taylor Swift and have listened to her music since some of her first ever songs. And her music just keeps getting better and better!
I also admit to feeling accomplished as a mom that my kiddo can seriously break it down to “Shake it Off” and “Bad Blood.” While the annoying Gummy Bear Song (have you guys ever listened to that?! Youtube it, your life will never be the same…) remains his favorite dance song, he gets seriously excited when Taylor Swift gets turned on.
While I’m admitting these things, I might as well tell you that I also follow her on Instagram (religiously read all her posts) and may or may not read articles about her because I’m creepy like that. Anyways, it’s no secret that Taylor likes to bake and I’ve read she’s really good at it. When I read somewhere that this pumpkin chocolate-chip recipe is her go-to for the Fall, I knew I owed it to Taylor to try it out. Because that’s totally normal right?
Anyways, the cookies were great, but not my favorite. I’d say the biggest complaint in the reviews (although I admit I didn’t read them all) were the lack of spice and the overall cakiness of the cookies. While I actually love cakey pumpkin chocolate-chip cookies (it’s what I grew up on!), I also appreciate a standard crispy pumpkin cookie too.

So after quite a bit of taste testing and adjusting of that recipe, I present a NON-Cakey, chewy on the inside, crisp on the outside, pumpkin spice cookie. It’s not overpoweringly pumpkin flavored, but it definitely has the pumpkin taste and spices for a great Fall cookie.
And speaking of those spices, EVERYONE is so different with the amount of spice they like! It’s such a personal preference so make sure you take this into account with these cookies. The spices listed in the recipe was what my family considered perfect, but it may be too much or too little for you. Adjust to your own preference. Also, note that the next day these cookies are much more flavorful. After sitting overnight, the spices and pumpkin really intensify.
As far as mixing these cookies up, these are pretty dang easy to make. I used ONE bowl, a large wire whisk, and a wooden spoon. That’s it! Also, when I say these are easy, I mean it. But you’ll see that direction list and think that maybe I’m crazy.

While we’ve already established that a bit (read the first paragraph of this post!), the directions list is super long for a reason. I really, really hate when I make a recipe and I’m not able to get my finished product to look exactly like the picture. I’ve tried to be SUPER detailed and all inclusive about exactly how I make these cookies. If you make any substitutions on the ingredients or don’t follow the method exactly I can’t promise you’ll have cookies that look or taste like these.
So what exactly can you expect from these cookies? A delicious Fall-spiced cookie. It’s not overwhelmingly pumpkin and as a result not a cakey cookie. Each bite is bursting with milk chocolate chips and tons of flavor. These cookies are soft, chewy, and have a delicious crisp exterior.