Easy To Make, Even Easier To Devour!
I’ll be perfectly honest with you here. When my sweet tooth starts aching, there’s nothing – absolutely nothing that can ease my soul until I get my hands on something delicious. I don’t care whether it’s cookies, cakes, ice cream or something caramely, as long as it’s yummy. And preferably crunchy, too! These are the most amazing sandwich cookies I’ve made in a long while and I gotta tell you, they are exactly what you need when you feel like having something sweet.
I don’t think there is a better way of combining peanut butter and cookies than this recipe right here. The texture is amazing and you really can’t help but grab one more cookie… Especially if you have a large glass of milk to go with them! You know how it is; you dip the cookie into the milk, again and again, until you’re running out of milk. You pour some more, but then you’re running out of a cookie and you take another one. It goes on and on!
There was a time when I thought I had found the perfect sandwich cookie recipe. They were chocolatey ones, and so incredibly delicious! But then these cookies came along and changed my whole world… There’s no doubt in my mind that these are even better!
These cookies are perfect for peanut butter lovers but I guarantee you’ll like these even if you’re not that big of a fan of PB. My kids are crazy about these and they would probably eat the whole batch in one go if I wasn’t there to stop them! Hey, I have to make sure there’s something left for me, right?
To Find Out All The Delicious Ingredients And The Step By Step Directions To Follow, Please Head On Over To The Next Page.