I am a furniture hoarder… okay i admit it.
If i had the room in my house or garage or had a bigger vehicle to lug around pieces you would probably end up seeing me on an episode of hoarders buried alive. Since i have 2 kids and a small car i find unique ways to bring special treasures home. I found this cute little sofa table online and purchased it for 40$ i seen it and knew exactly what i wanted to do with it. you know that feeling when you look at a project and imagine it in its full glory… that’s how i felt about this. This table was my very first SPiT project, a lot of people either love Unicorn SPiT or hate it. I Love it although not every piece done in US is to my taste but that’s the great thing about art its is subjective, eye of the beholder kind of thing, which leads me to this sofa table. I love jewel tones i’m a sucker for them and that’s just what i had in store for this one!

Thank you for looking!
Shawnissy C
Twice Loved Creations Stony plain